Frequently Asked Questions



Frequently Asked Questions

english hebrew

  1. What kind of people seeks your services?
  2. What is a “Life Repair”?
  3. Sometimes I behave in a way that I do not like (lose my temper, have self-invalidations, wrong decisions), yet it seems that I cannot control it. I never went to counseling. Can’t I just change it myself?
  4. How can you assure me what I tell you remains private?
  5. My teenager is really out of control. Is there anything that can be done about it?
  6. We’re undergoing a rough time in our marriage and my husband refuses to get any help or counseling. Would it be effective if I come by myself?
  7. How long the counseling takes and how often should I see the counselor?


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  1. What kind of people seeks your services?

Basically, the people that contact us come from all walks of life. They want to achieve more in life. They are adventurous and bright enough to go on the most fascinating journey – the journey of learning about themselves. Furthermore, they succeed in life but want to succeed even more, knowing their abilities are what causing their success or lack of it. They demand more from themselves and others than the average man and have high expectations from life. Sometimes, they slump into a bad time and need some professional help, but when they get it they move on and become assets to their groups and society.


  1. What is a “Life Repair”?

A Life Repair is a tailor-made program that addresses a specific area in the person’s life which he has his attention fixated on. Upon completing the program the person would feel more alive, happier and causative in the area that was addressed.


  1. Sometimes I behave in a way that I do not like (lose my temper, have self-invalidations, wrong decisions), yet it seems that I cannot control it. I never went to counseling. Can’t I just change it myself?

There are several factors that can cause a person to behave in a way that is not optimal (let alone irrational), and that includes being depressed or having self-doubts. Of the primary ones are:

    • Traumatic incidents, either physical or not, like losses and break-ups
    • Fixation on wrong solutions that were adopted as stable data for life
    • False perceptions of life and incidents
    • Missing knowledge on how to handle life
Those factors are below one’s awareness and sometimes he doesn’t even realize it is wrong behavior, let alone finds the underlying reason for it. This is the reason you see people carry their flaws all the way to their grave.


  1. How can you assure me what I tell you remains private?

The counseling will be given by a person who is an ordained minister and therefore whatever you will say is protected under law as confidential. No agency has the right to lay hands on any file relating to the counseling.


  1. My teenager is really out of control. Is there anything that can be done about it?

Yes, definitely. We are handling kids and teenagers with great success.  

Teenagers are basically “un-matured adults” with lack of life experience and knowledge who need good direction and guidance. They often have wrong ideas about life, false data, fixed ideas, etc., that can manifests in their current behavior and decisions. They may turn to wrong or destructive solutions.

Punishments and rewards are not workable or practical if the underlying reasons for his/her behavior and actions are not found and handled.


  1. We’re undergoing a rough time in our marriage and my husband refuses to get any help or counseling. Would it be effective if I come by myself?

While it is best to address the problem as a couple, you can still gain from the counseling by addressing things  at your end and therefore feeling more at cause over the relationship. With your improved ability and increased responsibility and knowledge, you will be able to change more things in your marriage.

We even had some cases wherein the spouse who initially rejected any help, requested some counseling when he saw the changes his mate was undergoing, and therefore a standard marriage counseling was done.


  1. How long the counseling takes and how often should I see the counselor?

Basically it depends on the individual since different people have different needs and each case is addressed individually. However, it would take on an average from 10-40 hours of counseling for a good satisfactory result.

It is better to have the meetings as intensive as possible for better and faster results.


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Ability Regained - Counseling is located in Valley Village, CA. We offer personal and marriage counseling, both in English and in Hebrew, in the area of Los Angeles county, including San Fernando Valley, Valley Village, Studio City, Sherman Oaks, North Hollywood, Encino, Tarzana, Woodland Hills, Beverly Hills, Burbank, Glendale, Pasadena, Sunland, Northridge and other cities in the area